วันเสาร์ที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

■ Explaining Alphabet Friendship Bracelets (How To Read & Use Alpha Pattern Grids)

[CLICK "SHOW MORE" FOR INSTRUCTIONS] ◘ More Detailed Alphabet Bracelet Tutorial: www.youtube.com How To Make Letters, Pictures and Numbers ____________________________________________ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ALPHABET BRACELET TUTORIALS ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Explaining How To Read The Grid Patterns: www.youtube.com ■ How To Make The Letters & Pictures: www.youtube.com ■ How To Make The Multi-Color Alpha: www.youtube.com ■ Picture Guide To Alpha Patterns: s1176.photobucket.com Check the Sub-Albums in the lower right for the letters, numbers & images ____________________________________________ I made the grid with markers. Any graph paper can be used. You can also find letter/picture/number patterns on www.friendship-bracelets.net ■ Before leaving a question please check to see if it has already been answered in the comments section or in the links supplied below. ☼ I know it is always easier to just simply ask a question but with so many people following me it is getting harder and harder for me to answer. If for some reason your question has not been answered below (or) you can't find it on your own check out these links: FAQ: beyondbracelets.blogspot.com Annotation Link Video: www.youtube.com ____________________________________________ ☼ INSTRUCTIONS ☼ When making Alpha bracelets you just need to count the grid- you can make the pattern in either direction and it doesn't just limit you to letters only. When making a pattern for Alpha's you are basically making pixel art. You ...

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